Did you know that we accept, and are extremely grateful for, private donations from individuals? You can help support the Columbus CCOP in a couple different ways:
- You can fill out a simple donation form and mail your check to the address shown at the bottom of the form. (Link to form)
- You can make a credit card donation through the Columbus Foundation at Users should register for a username and password prior to logging in. On the Columbus Foundation Home Page select PowerPhilanthropy Login. Click on Create a Username and Password. Click on Sign-up form under Public Users. Complete the form and click on Submit. Your user ID and password will be sent to your email. To donate to the Columbus CCOP select PowerPhilanthropy Login at the top of the page. Enter the user name and password that was emailed to you. Select View Nonprofit Portraits, then enter Columbus Community Clinical Oncology Program and click on Search. Click on the Give Now button on the right side of the screen.
*The Columbus CCOP is a 501 (c)(3) organization, and all contributions are tax deductable.